Monday 22 March 2010

Kala Ghoda Arts Festival 2010

And so we finally come to this year's KGAF, which I liked so much I visited on two separate occasions. Below are a few pics.

One of the first things I did on getting to KGAF '10 on the afternoon of day 1 was get up to the stage viewing area. They seemed to be setting up for something.

Things were still being moved around.

Spotted some celebrity Mumbai tweeple.

And I tagged along with them to watch this magic show. It was a bit slow.

The crowd seemed interested.

We parted and I took another pick of the crowd from the stands. It was getting to be late afternoon and pretty crowded now. It seems that KGAF gets more visitors every year.

These are a few pics of the pavement around Jehangir Art Gallery, used as a storage area.

Sometimes, it's hard to tell what's art and what's garbage.

The paintings and drawings on display had their usual audience.

These are raised drawings, for the blind. Visitors were encouraged to feel them. Very interactive, I thought. So different from the normal 'no-touching' art.

Not sure what these were. Something about the environment?

City messages. We see them every year.

More environmental messages. The props seem similar to the ones used two years ago.

On war heroes. A soldier's face made out of soldier's names. Very well done.

Frames. Read the description below.

A photography exhibition.

The black horse had some company this year.

Didn't catch the description for this one either.

KGAF tends to be a great meeting place for friends. 

This was a 3D image. Check out the photographers below taking pics.

And I had to sneak in a panorama shot.

You can also see my visits to KGAF '08 and '09. Let me know if you happen to spot yourself in any of the pics in these posts. Till next time...



Hitesh Rawat said...

Kala Ghoda is real fun event.........they should publicize it more....i never heard about it since last year.....ths is the first time i saw some pics or read about it.......

Daniel D'Mello said...

Trust me, they have more than enough publicity. The last thing they need are larger crowds.

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